Namespace Mars.Interfaces.Environments
Represents a bounding box with lower-left and upper-right coordinate.
Represents a concrete routing stop within the Route path.
This contains information about the planed lane to use, the actual lane being used
and the reference to the concrete edge of the network.
A static helper and extension class with utility functions for geo-referenced positions of Position
Represents an aggregated lane explore result container which
contains all entities for exactly one lane separated in forward and background direction
This class is used to store position objects for a 2-dimensional Cartesian plane.
It is the the value type for holding the position information with x and y value.
In addition it also used to represent geospatial referenced positions which are enhanced with invariants.
The Mars.Interfaces.Environment.IPosittionable ist strongly coupled to this.
Unlike objects of type GeoAPI.Geometries.Point (which contain additional
information that an entity has position, a Position only contains
the ordinate values and properties.
Positions are two-dimensional points.
Represents a multimodal routing stop within the MultimodalRoute path.
This contains information about the route and its modal type.
The contract for on edge of the network
with references to their weighs and attributes.
Marker interface for all environment implementations.
Common environment interface to store entity type within a spatial index.
Represents the index and identifier description
for each graph element, the nodes and the edges.
Represents an object which is able to have a concrete position within a spatial space
This interface is useful when an object needs to be managed by an environment
and to query them according to a position feature.
Position for the concrete common spatial position implementation
IEnvironment<TEntity> for a common environment interface expecting the
IPositionable contract
IGeoGridEnvironment<T> for a geospatial environment expecting the IPositionable
The routing component able to find the best from a source node to a target node.
Represents a spatial vertex within the ISpatialGraphEnvironment
having a coordinate (x,y) and a set of outgoing and incoming edge.
Agents can use this node to move from one node to another or on an ege.
Represents a direction data type with fixed bearings
in degree ranging from 0-360.
The direction of an ISpatialEdge oder ISpatialGraphEnvironment exploration
to get entities behind a source or in front of a source (e.g., shoulder look appointment for driving cars).
The ModalChoice
classifies different transportation devices.
This type specifies the kind how resolved same or similar nodes shall be handled.
Currently the system supports: merging the new one node with an existing one or
add helper links between both of them in bidirectional way.
This type contains all supported kind of movement in the spatial graph environment,
provided by the ISpatialGraphEntity.