Namespace Mars.Components.Services.Planning
Collects all action plans with the lowest costs.
Standard implementation of an IGoapAgentStates
The GoapPlanner
finds an action plan for a selected goal depending on the saved agent states.
The goal is either selected manually or automatically by relevance and reachability.
The action plan contains actions that are saved in the GoapPlanner
plus actions of the individual
Standard IGoapStateKey that provides a Satisfies-method for some basic types.
The GoapStateProperty
without generics for internal usage.
Defines a world state property in a GOAP usage context.
Implement this interface in every GOAP action (is required
so that the GOAP Planner can use it in its decision process
The AgentStates
define the world of an agent in specific aspects which is used for planning with the
GOAP algorithm.
Every goal in GOAP has to implement this interface so that the GoapPlanner
can work with it.
The GOAP Planner is the "final product" that
the agents use to obtain their action plan. This
components weights the different actions available
against each other and returns the cheapest action
plan (if one could be computed)
The IGoapStateKey
identifies goap states and provides the possibility to check if their state values
are satisfied.