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After you run the model, by hitting the Build-Taks in JetBrains Raider (small green triangle in the upper left of the IDE), the simulation will run, and produce outputs.

The results will be below the newly created folder bin/Debug/net6.0/.

Folder strcuture of a MARS model
├── <model>
│   ├── <model>.csproj
│   ├── bin/Debug/net6.0/ # Outputs will be here!
│   ├── Model
│   ├── Program.cs
│   ├── Resources
│   └── config.json
├── <model>.sln

In this case for each agent type, mainly the SimpleAgent and the ComplexAgent a CSV has been created. The naming follows <agent name>.csv.


The columns in the CSV-file show some basic information about the agent for each tick. You can recognize the StartX and StartY columns which stay the same and are form the initialization CSV file we saw previously. Since the agent implement the MARS interface IPositionable it as an position that gets logged each tick in the X and Y fields. You can see how the agent moved around from its start (4,4)(5,3)(4,4)(4,5)(4, 4) \rightarrow (5, 3) \rightarrow (4, 4) \rightarrow (4, 5). The position (5,3)(5, 3) is present for two successive ticks (1, 2) since the agent tried to move on a wall in this tick, and so didn't move.

For this grid based simulation it's also possible to use our Live Simulation. It will show you the movement of the agents on the grid, as the simulation progresses.