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Your first model

After reading about the concepts in the previous chapter you are now ready to build and set up a first model yourself!

You can either choose on of the blueprint start models, or go with the Wolf-Sheep-Model:

Create a model from scratch

On how to create a new model from scratch, see this article.

In the following sections we will explain the basic interactions with the model based on the blueprint-grid model. Nevertheless, the ideas should be transferable to all suggested model. Also, we will explain the expected behaviors when running the model with the JetBrains Rider IDE.

The blueprint-grid is a small model, wherein a few agents walk on a two-dimensional grid.

The model consists of the following agent types and layer types:

  • SimpleAgent: an agent that can move randomly.
  • ComplexAgent: an agent that can move in different ways (randomly, bearing-based, goal-oriented), plan trips, and interact with SimpleAgent instances.
  • GridLayer: the layer on which the agents live and move.


Please clone your desired repository from GitHub:

git clone

After opening the folder of the model, you will see a folder structure similar to this:

Folder strcuture of a MARS model
├── <model>
│   ├── <model>.csproj
│   ├── Model # C# files for Layers and Agents
│   ├── Program.cs # Entry file for model execution, like main()
│   ├── Resources # Assest like input CSVs or geo data
│   └── config.json # Model configuration parameters
├── <model>.sln


Open the .sln-file with a double click into Rider. In the upper left you shoule see the Green-Play icon to build and run your model.

After running the model additional folders will be created:

  • <model>bin/Debug/net6.0/: contains compiled model, as well as outputs like CSV, etc.